Entire Solutions for Nonlocal Dispersal Equations with Bistable Nonlinearity: Asymmetric Case

Li; ZHANG; Wan; Tong; LI; Zhi; Cheng; WANG; Yu; Juan; SUN School; of; Science; Chang’an; University; Xi’an; 710064; P.R.China; School; of; Mathematics; and; Statistics; Lanzhou; University; Lanzhou; 730000; P.R.China; ISN; Laboratory; Xidian; University; Xi’an; 710071; P.R.China

关键词:entire solution traveling wave nonlocal 

摘要:This paper mainly focuses on the entire solutions of a nonlocal dispersal equation with asymmetric kernel and bistable nonlinearity. Compared with symmetric case, the asymmetry of the dispersal kernel function makes more diverse types of entire solutions since it can affect the sign of the wave speeds and the symmetry of the corresponding nonincreasing and nondecreasing traveling waves.We divide the bistable case into two monostable cases by restricting the range of the variable, and obtain some merging-front entire solutions which behave as the coupling of monostable and bistable waves. Before this, we characterize the classification of the wave speeds so that the entire solutions can be constructed more clearly. Especially, we investigate the influence of the asymmetry of the kernel on the minimal and maximal wave speeds.










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