关键词: 中国 经济增长率 汽车工业 钢铁工业 产业结构
Core competitiveness is a notion familiar to most managers with an MBA degree, These days, this is what is taught at renowned business schools and colleges. And in the real world,large and small enterprises are increasingly following this course of action, To concentrate on one or two single lines of business in most...
关键词: 中国 李金华 审计工作 税收收入 gdp 经济增长率 捐款救灾活动 海啸 铁路提速工程
Li Jinhua Wins Top Honor;Rocketing Tax Revenue Figures Released;New IPO Rules Issued;Chinese Donate to Tsunami Relief
关键词: 中国 个人所得税 田径比赛 刘翔 长虹集团 企业重组
CAIJING MAGAZINE Income Tax Unification Stranded;SANLIAN LIFE WEEK China's Top Three Runners;BUSNESS WATCH MAGAZINE Changhong Restructuring
关键词: 中国 房价 房地产市场 人民币升值 投资环境
Working in China has brought a satisfaction like never before for Suwito. In this exciting market, he has put his leadership skills to the best use and lifted the revenue and profit of CB Richard Ellis (CBRE) in China to a new level in 2004. An Indonesian Chinese, he often makes travels across China and visits museum...
关键词: 中国 企业领导者 犯罪行为 股票市场 黄宏生 陈久霖
The final months of 2004 witnessed the arrest of several high profile business leaders
关键词: 中国 企业管理 经营策略 企业竞争力 企业投资
With over 90 percent of diversification attempts for domestic enterprises having failed, some are now re ning to their core business lines
关键词: 中国 联想集团 ibm集团 企业并购 pc业务
Unsuccessful diversification of its operations has led Lenovo to concentrate investments back into its PC sector
关键词: 中国 五粮液集团 质量管理 企业体制 营销策略
Wuliangye only recently unveiled its diversification ambitions. Results have been mixed
关键词: 中国 联想集团 ibm集团 企业并购 企业体制
At the end of year 2004, Lenovo acquired IBM's PC business for a total of US$1.75 billion. This news not only surprised most observers, but also became a frequently cited example of how the strategy of diversification is fast disappearing.
关键词: 苏州市 江苏 经济结构 投资环境 区域经济
As one of the country's leading economic performers, it is not surprising that Suzhou is now being seen as a breeding ground for potential provincial leaders
关键词: 中国 国有银行 银行体制 银行业务 银行基金 激励机制
The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China looks set to become the third of China's state-owned banks to benefit from financial intervention
关键词: 中国 钢铁产业 钢铁产量 产业政策
Despite the introduction of stringent government policies, the steel industry remains one of the country's hottest sectors
关键词: 中国 钢铁工业 钢铁市场 小城镇建设
Steel price hikes are expected to impact on a number of downstream industrial sectors
关键词: 中国 环境污染 环境保护 可持续发展
On November 15, 2004, Wang Jirong, vice director of the State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), led a team of officials to the top floor of the CCTV tower in western Beijing. They were there to look at the city's boiler chimneys and identify those belching black-smoke. Under the blue sky, the visibility...
关键词: 中国 软件行业 高新技术 产业政策 技术创新
The battle for government software procurement may be over, but the controversy rages on
关键词: 中国 汽车工业 汽车市场 市场需求量
The achievements of Guangzhou Honda could act as a template for success in the crowded Chinese auto market
关键词: 中国 投资环境 区域经济 经济竞争力
The days of the big expatriate pay packages appear to be over. But what of the alternatives?
关键词: 中国 反不正当竞争法 市场秩序 投资环境 市场经济
In 1993, China promulgated a law against unfair competition, which has served as a basic package of rules for the nation to maintain the normal order of market competition. Though there are clauses and articles in other existing laws that concern policies for competition, no exclusive law against monopolistic competi...
关键词: 中国 太原市 经济增长率 投资环境 gdp 产业结构 能源管理
Talking to people from Taiyuan, the capital city of Shanxi province-whether taxi drivers or governmental officials-it is very common to hear them say how they cannot compare with cities in the east of the country. The years spent lagging behind a number of other Chinese provinces has developed this complex among some...
关键词: 中国 葡萄生产基地 葡萄酒产业 经济效益
A small county outside Taiyuan is hoping to re-establish its grape growing heritage
关键词: 新股首次发行工作 中国 股票市场 上市公司 投资者权益
China's stock market is expected to brace for its first new share offering in February since August 2004. Zhejiang Glass Go Ltd, the first privately owned firm based on the Chinese mainland to list in Hong Kong, said in lanuary that it would soon float RMB denominated A shares to fund its expansion. The mainland's th...
关键词: 中国 经济增长率 gdp 房地产市场 消费品产品
Sustainable Growth;, FIXED ASSETS 01-11, 2004;FOREIGN TRADE 01-11,2004;Chinese Among the World's Top Five Fast Food Fans