关键词: 中国 经济增长率 经济结构 经济竞争力
The Chinese economic dragon is healthy and dynamic. The dragorthead,Shanghai, is developing at a pace never before seen in world history, The dragon's body is also doing well, not least because there is tremendous competition across the country. Thus, four cities along the central Yangtze River Region are trying to s...
关键词: gdp 中国 经济增长率 台湾省 航空公司 股票市场 银行业
Li Ka-Shing to Purchase French Marionnaud;Taiwan, Chinese Mainland Set Non-Stop Flights;AMCs Illegal Assets Top 70 billion yuan;GDP Grows 9.5 percent
关键词: 中国 消费者权利 维权工作 消费品质量
A number of strong willed individuals are changing the face of consumer rights
关键词: 鲁珀特 书评 中国 消费水平
As seven Bentley limousines line up in front of the Beijing Grand Hyatt Hotel, one hundred social elites are listening inside to music played by China's top violinist. The event in attendance is a charitable auction organized by Rupert Hoogewerf. CEO of Euromoney China. The 34-year-old compiled China's first Rich Lis...
关键词: 中国 国防建设 汽车市场 对外贸易 棉花出口贸易
CAIJING MAGAZINE China's PLA Speeds up Internal Auditing;BUSINESS WATCH MAGAZINE Car Dealers Suffer Huge Losses;SANLIAN LIFE WEEK CNCRC Speculation Scandal
关键词: 中国 财政机构 财政政策 政府干预
Struggling financial companies will no longer be able to rely on government intervention to keep their heads above water
关键词: 中国 银行保险业务 银行业务 财政危机 银行体制
Will the introduction of a deposit insurance system be an effective safeguard against insolvent banks ?
关键词: 中国 保险基金 保险业务 财政政策 法律保护
The introduction of an insurance protection fund is good news both for the industry and consumers. However, controversy remains
关键词: 中国 跨国公司 企业文化 企业管理 企业并购
Foreign multinational corporations in China are adding to their brand value in order to maintain success
关键词: 中国 汽车价格 汽车工业 宏观经济
Price cuts and industry restructuring will be the defining characteristics of the auto sector in the short-term
关键词: 中国 企业并购 管理层收购 企业产权
To improve discipline in the sector, China is likely to issue a regulation on management buyouts (MBO) in small and medium-sized Stateowned enterprises (SOEs) within the first quarter. The draft of the new regulation, aimed at curbing irregularities in MBOs by introducing detailed standards and procedures, has alread...
关键词: 中国 咨询行业 服务质量 企业策划
If there is one sector in China that is in dire need of is probably the consulting business itself.Domestic consulting firms.first appeared in the 1990s,but by 2002,20,000 of them had registered with relevant authorities,with the average company only having been in business for nine months.
关键词: 中国 咨询行业 行业竞争 企业策划 企业效益
Leading domestic consulting firm Sinotrust discusses the challenges of operating in a highly competitive market
关键词: 中国 企业管理 人力资源管理 企业培训
Alan Pang of Hewitt Associates talks about his company's position in the burgeoning HR consulting sector
关键词: 中国 信息化 高新技术产业 技术创新
Xie Jianping, the director of the Shanghai Tongyong Chemical Technology Institute, recently returned from Macao after a long and successful business trip. Xie's project to develop the new Internet technology IPv9 was boosted after the chief executive of Macao,Ho Hau Wah, agreed to invest 200 million yuan (US$24.16 mi...
关键词: 中国 消费水平 法律保护 消费者权利 消费结构
The rise of consumer power in China may have alarming consequences for businesses that refuse to take heed of the potential consequences
关键词: 中国 通用电气公司 企业投资 经营策略 韦尔奇
Building an effective China presence has been no easy task for global giant General Electrics. Even so, the company is today one of the country's most successful and highly respected foreign investors
关键词: 中国 武汉市 经济增长率 投资环境 工业经济
The Chinese usually say the Yangtze River runs like a dragon from west to east across the whole of the country.Located on the dragon's waist,Wuhan has long been shadowed by its head,the shining metropolis Shanghai,
关键词: 中国 长沙市 第三产业 城市经济 产业结构 投资环境
Changsha plans to use its well-developed infrastructure links to become a major logistics center
关键词: 安徽 合肥市 经济增长率 投资环境 产业机构
A series of major transportation links are expected to further boost Hefei's growing economic strength
关键词: 南昌市 江西 产业结构 经济增长率 资源开发 投资环境
Abundant natural resources could be the key for Nanchang to play a more significant regional role
关键词: 中国 证券市场 投资基金 金融监管
On January 23, the Ministry of Finance announced it would slash taxes imposed on shares trading to 0.1 percent from 0.2 percent in an apparent move to encourage buying. To the amazement of the regulators, the rally on the news of the incentive was shortlived. The indexes climbed for only one day on January 24 and hav...
关键词: 中国 经济增长率 消费水平 物价 对外贸易 gdp
Fast Forward;FOREIGN TRADE 01-12,2004;The Possibility of European Travel in the Next Year
关键词: 中国 房地产市场 城市经济 消费水平
Mixed-use properties are increasingly a defining feature of China's Real Estate development
关键词: 中国 教育产业 国际教育学校 教学质量 教育交流
In a country where rapid development is taken for granted, how have these changes affected the growing number of international schools?
关键词: 中欧国际工商管理学校 课程设置 工商管理硕士 教学质量
Program directors and recent graduates talk up the benefits of the Executive MBA
关键词: 中国 金融中心 北京 金融结构 金融体系
Recent investment initiatives are helping establish Beijing's Financial Street as the country's financial center
关键词: 北京 中国 房地产市场 房价 居住环境
When you are a far from home,it's nice to know that there's a comfortable haven at the end of the day, a place where you can escape the pressures of work and the hustle and bustle of the busy Beijing streets. The first Marriott Executive Apartments in Beijing offer an oasis of elegant luxury strategically located in ...
关键词: 职业经理人 身体健康 工作压力 情绪
Health problems are a common problem on the agenda of today's busy professionals
关键词: 中国 咨询业 经济策划 投资策略 服务项目
At the beginning of the 1990s, with the opening of the market, foreign real estate consultants began to enter China. At that time, they mainly provided services such as facility management to the local clients, with their other functions seldom noticed and utilized. However, with the booming development of China's re...