关键词: 碳纳米棒 电解 电化学电位 场效应 纳米结构
The dependences of electrochemical potential at the interface between carbon nanotubes and electrolyte upon temperature and electrolyte concentration are studied. Carbon nanotubes were synthesized by hot filament chemical vapor deposition with Si as the substrate. Four substances were tested: NaCl solution, KCl solut...
关键词: 铝合金 表面处理 微等粒子体氧化 mpo 蒸气淀积涂布 双层涂层
Over the past years, great achievements have been made in the development of coating technologies for surface improvement of aluminum alloys. Despite these achievements, the role in the market strongly depends on the ability of surface coating technology under technical and economic considerations to meet the increas...
关键词: 网络结构 铁 碳 硅 锰 强度 热处理
Fe-C-Si-Mn alloy castings used as blades in hydroelectric generators are studied and found to contain network structures after some heat treatments. Castings after annealing and normalizing were analyzed by microscope and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The network formed during annealing was proved by TEM to...
关键词: 生态健康 水流动区 峡谷区域 评价系统 环境管理
This paper discribes the definition of ecosystem health for the water-level flutuation zone of the Three Gorges Region and puts forward an evaluation system involving indicators in three groups: 1) structural indicators comprise slope, biodiversity,environmental capacity, stability, restoration ability and damage sit...
关键词: 有害废弃物 调查分析 峡谷区域 无害处理 环境管理
This article describes the investigation of hazardous waste (HW) in the Three Gorges Area of Chongqing region, which indicates that by May 2002, the dumped HW therein amounted to 14 600 t and was mainly distributed in five districts and counties with 11 000 t in Fuling, 1 650 t in Fengdu, 950 t in Wanzhou; 630 t in W...
关键词: 凝结 絮凝处理 混合污水 上海 聚合氯化铝 生物处理
The effects of the coagulation-flocculation process using polyaluminium chloride (PAC) and its aids on the removal of organics and nutrient in the combined sewage from Shanghai Zhuyuan First Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant are studied,The coagulant aids include cationic polyacrylamide (PAM), polyvinyl alcohol (P...
关键词: 降雨量 暴风雨 降雨强度公式 参数测定 非线性数学模型 城市排水
This paper presents a new method to determine parameters in the nonlinear mathematical model of the urban rainfall intensity formula. The method transforms the nonlinear equation into a linear one, and incorperates a damping factor and a step factor to improve the precision of the calculated results. It works out the...
关键词: 奉化江大桥 预应混凝土连接箱形梁 悬臂结构 施工管理 混凝土微分老化期
The Fenghua River Bridge is a major structure on the highway between Hengzhang and Guojiachi, which is to be built with a four-span prestress concrete (PC) box girder and symmetrical cantilever castings. In this paper, a finite element method (FEM) model is set up to study the effects of concrete differential aging t...
关键词: amts控制策略 离合器 动态响应 气压传动控制 自动人力操纵传动
In recent years, the sustainable development of automatic manual transmissions (AMTs) control in vehicles is conspicuous. The control applications have grown fast and steadily due to the tremendous progress in power electronics components and the control software that enhance the requirements for delivering higher ve...
关键词: 惯性振荡器 机电耦合模型 矩阵法 瞬间特性
A mathematical model of electromechanical coupling system for a planar inertial vibrating machine is built by setting up dynamical equations of discrete systems with a matrix methodology proposed. The substance of the transient behavior of the machine is unveiled by analyzing the results of the computer simulation to...
关键词: 多用户视图文件系统 存储区网络 联合存储网 网络附加存储 散列信息证实代码
A multi-user view file system (MUVFS) and a security scheme are developed to improve the security of the united storage network (USN) that integrates a network attached storage (NAS) and a storage area network (SAN). The MUVFS offers a storage volume view for each authorized user who can access only the data in his o...
关键词: 希奇柯克输送问题 遗传算法 多重最优解 线性规划问题
Genetic algorithms (GAs) employ the evolutionary process of Darwin's nature selection theory to find the solutions of optimization problems. In this paper, an implementation of genetic algorithm is put forward to solve a classical transportation problem, namely the Hitchcock's Transportation Problem (HTP), and the GA...
关键词: 计算机网络系统 服务成本 语境意识计算 资源发现 交互作用 蔓延计算
Reducing cost of service is an important goal for resource discovery and interaction technologies. The shortcomings of transhipment-method and hibernation-method are to increase holistic cost of service and to slower resource discovery respectively. To overcome these shortcomings, a context-aware computing-based meth...
关键词: 模糊综合评价 人力资源管理 解雇机制 两级决策方法
According to the modern theory of human resource management, the condition of buyout mainly depends on two variables of an employee: his interior value of product and exterior work reward. There exist shortages in evaluating the value of the employees in an enterprise. Consequently, a lot of employees might be laid o...
关键词: 球形吸引子 部分耗散效应 反应扩散系统 渐近紧密 非线性函数
The asymptotic behaviour of solutions for general partly dissipative reaction-diffusion systems in Rn is studied. The asymptotic compactness of the solutions and then the existence of the global attractor are proved in L2 (Rn) × L2 (Rn).
关键词: 最优化选择 最优化税率 投资 微分对策 后向微分方程
A classical problem on optimal choice of tax rate from the perspective of differential game approach is studied. Under some appropriate assumptions on the profit and utility functions, the open-loop Stackelberg equilibrium solution which is timedependent is obtained. Result shows that 1) the optimal strategies derive...
关键词: 灵敏度分析 广义参数隐含准变分不等式 不动点 希伯特空间
A class of generalized parametric implicit quasi-variational inequalities is studied. Thereupon a new existence theorem of the solutions is proved and sensitivity of solutions for this kind of problems is analyzed.
关键词: 均质化 吸引子 非线性抛物线方程
The relation between the global attractors Aε for a calss of quasilinear parabolic equations and the global attractor A0for the homogenized equation is discussed, and an explicit error estimate between Aε and A0 is given.
关键词: 施工管理教育 中国 高等教育 全球化 人才培养机制 知识结构
With China's entry into WTO and the development of the economic globalization, market competition in the construction field is more and more featured by the competition of talents, the core of which is the cultivation mechanism innovation of higher construction management talents. The approach to meet the requirement...
关键词: 不定式 球面坐标 多变量 异型 极限
Various transforms of the indeterminate forms are presented in this part, which include simplification in spherical coordinates, odgin translation, axis alteration, transformation of limit conservation and application of X^h·Ko. Fundamental factors for numedcal simplification are provided respectively for bi-variable...